A miraculous and at the same time true story, which the CBD is behind

Eliška, I am greeting you warmly. You are a beautiful woman with a magical smile and sparkles in your eyes. However, a few years ago, and it’s been a long time, it wasn’t like that and you, if we can call it that, suffered. Can you tell us a little more about it? To describe a story that began as kind of a painful journey?      

I was less than 17 when my psoriasis appeared. It started with wet wounds in my hair. It itched and I absolutely didn’t understand what and why has happened to me. Of course, now after 17 years, I understand. I went to college 300 km away from home and us Moravians in the “big world” have been considered as someone from another world. And even the professors made me feel that way. Stress from the Czech capital accompanied me everywhere and it reflected on my health.    

How did it start to show?

At first I suffered with chronic diarrhea and huge abdominal pain and then the psoriasis in my hair started. My thick hair turned into a thin fluff in relatively short time. I must mention, that in our family we do not know of anyone who suffers from psoriasis. I changed the environment, went to a different school, moved from Prague to a calm provincial town in Beskydy. Unfortunately, my biggest problem persisted. I couldn’t wear dark clothes, my head itched, I scratched and the scales from my head literally snowed down. 

You must have visited doctors during that time. What was the experience with them? Did they help you? 

In those long 17 years I visited several doctors, several institutions, tried out all sorts of ointments, shampoos, and undergone various experiments. However, everywhere and everytime with the same result. None. Absolutely nothing has changed, no relief, no remission of difficulties. After my first son, psoriasis began to develop on my body. It appeared inconspicuously during breastfeeding on the breasts, knees, elbows and behind the ears. After few years I was pregnant again and on top of that I got an atypical pneumonia. I was taking three types of ATB for a month, both intravenously and also orally. Psoriasis disappeared and unfortunately due to the influence of drugs I also lost the baby. However, the disease did not take long to reappear and it hit in such strength, I was not ready for. Psoriasis was everywhere. It covered almost my whole body. Mentally unhappy, I visited yet another dermatologist, who prescribed a phototherapy. It cured only small foci and the large ones remained. After my second son, it started again and until November 2020 I was literally strewn with psoriasis.  

It all sounds like one big painful story. And painful not only physically but also mentally. When did you come across the rescue? Or how did you even get to Sinium products?   

In September 2020, my husband found Sinium and your CBD – thanks to strongmansport. And because he’s the most amazing man in the world, he bought me the 30% CBD to test. I won’t lie, after my experience, I was skeptical. In October 2020, I overcame Covid – with quite a mild progression, not worth to mention, but considering my autoimmune disorder, the answer came in a few weeks. Psoriasis all over the body, this time, for the first time in my life, also in my face, particularly on eyebrows.

Due to your autoimmune disease and what happened to your psoriasis, as it spread to the whole body, you probably visited doctors again seeking for help. This time they intervened effectively, have they helped?  

Doctors, again, so to speak, sent me to hell – it is not the time for treatment, corticosteroids must do. Internally, however, I did not accept this and did not use the prescribed ointments, gels and other “their” products. Come december 2020, it was possible to tell from week to week, I saw that psoriasis was leaving. It was like a miracle. It was CBD drops! 

After how long did you start to feel relief?

After 2,5 months of use, it suddenly hit like a lightning. Foci were disappearing, my psyche was doing better and better. It was almost the middle of January 2021 when I started using next pack, I still have a few areas in my hair, but they are shrinking and disappearing.

How does it feel? It probably had a positive effect not only on your body, but certainly on your psyche as well. Is it at all possible to describe the change you have undergone with words?

It’s amazing and for instance I can finally shave my legs without taking the skin. Finally, I’m not ashamed to undress and I proudly report that I am ready to go to the pool (hopefully the water worlds and swimming pools will soon open). Finally, people will not look at me as “mangy”. I am finding my lost confidence.   

“Thank you Sinium fullheartedly for your CBD, which heals my body and soul after 17 years.”

This is the message from our satisfied client Eliška, who fought her illness unsuccessfully for years, and in the end, thanks to the CBD, successfully led her fight to the right path. The path of a healthy lifestyle. A path that helps not only the body but also the soul and changes a person beyond recognition. It gives one the strength and desire to live. It reshapes one into a healthy individual who smiles again.